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Community is the best medicine

The aim of this module is to enable primary care staff to understand the impact of community assets and deficits on peoples lives and the potential of their own role as members of a community to help address the social determinants of health



~ 1 hour

What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

Before completing this module, you may have considered working through our earlier learning modules about health inequity. In particular, our Health Inequalities in Primary Care module. The concepts introduced in this module are built on here.

These are the course objectives:
  • Know about the impact of community on health
  • Reflect on the role of primary care in communities
  • Expand community connections
  • Learn about the impact of primary care as a local organisation
  • Explore the potential impact of primary care on wider systems and organisations
This course helped me to look outside of my box as a health care professional sitting in an office and thinking only from a health perspective. It encouraged me to consider the community's role and involvement in tackling inequalities and providing support for patients and their families.
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